Please click below to download the latest copy of the school newsletter.
Newsletters 2024/2025
Friday 11th October 2024
Newsletters 2023/2024
Thursday 18th July 2024 (SUMMER FAYRE)
Wednesday 3rd July 2024 (SPORTS DAY)
Thursday 27th June 2024 (ART EXHIBITION)
Friday 21st June 2024
Friday 24th May2024
Monday 29th April 2024
Friday 28th March 2024
Friday 15th December 2023
Friday 1st December 2023
Friday 10th November 2023
Newsletters 2022/2023
2021-2022 Newsletters
Summer Term 2021/2022
Spring Term 2021/2022
Friday 25th February 2022 Newsletter
Autumn Term 2021/2022
2020-2021 Newsletters
2019 -2020 Newsletters
Newsletter 24th April 2020.pdf
Newsletter 17th April 2020.pdf
Newsletter 27th March 2020.pdf
2018-2019 Newsletters
Home Learning
Each week there will be home learning added to the website and will be available by clicking the links below. There will also be a weekly newsletter. Understanding the World and Expressive Arts and Design ideas will be included in the weekly newsletters to give you ideas of things to do with your children at home.
The sector-led Oak National Academy has launched its online classroom and resource hub. The Academy offers 180 video lessons each week for schools to use, across a broad range of subjects. The lessons cover children in Reception through to Year 10 and are free to use by both teachers and young people.
The Oak National Academy can be accessed on the link below. The reception resources and lessons may be suitable for your child, especially the foundation ones.
The BBC has launched an education package across TV and online, featuring celebrities and teachers, helping to keep children learning at home and supporting parents.
BBC Bitesize can be accessed here:
'Learning Together'
Summer Term Home Learning
Summer Term Phonics Resources
Online Phonics Lessons - Summer Term.pdf
Phase 2 and Phase 3 Sound Mats.pdf
Summer 1
Week 1:
Three-year- old / four-year-old home learning
Summer Week 1 - Introduction and Context.pdf
Acacia Home Learning Minibeasts - Literacy and Maths Week 1.pdf
Phonics - Decodable Sentences - Minibeasts.pdf
Writing Task - Week 1 - Minibeasts.pdf
Minibeast Information Cards.pdf
Two-year-old home learning
Acacia Home Learning - Summer Term Week 1.pdf
Week 2:
Three-year-old / four-year-old home learning
Acacia Home Learning - Reading and Context - Week 2.pdf
Acacia Home Learning - Maths and Literacy - Week 2.pdf
Acacia Home Learning - Phonics - Week 2.pdf
Acacia Home Learning - Understanding the World - Week 2.pdf
Acacia Home Learning - Expressive Arts and Design - Week 2.pdf
Week 3
Three-year-old / four-year-old home learning
Acacia Home Learning - Reading and Context - Week 3.pdf
Acacia Home Learning - Maths and Literacy - Week 3.pdf
Acacia Home Learning - Phonics - Week 3.pdf
Acacia Home Learning - Expressive Arts and Design - Week 3.pdf
Acacia Home Learning - Understanding the World - Week 3.pdf
Week 4
Three-year-old / four-year-old home learning
Acacia Home Learning - Reading and Context - Week 4.pdf
Acacia Home Learning Minibeasts - Maths and Literacy - Week 4.pdf
Acacia Home Learning - Phonics - Week 4.pdf
Acacia Home Learning - Physical development - Week 4.pdf
Week 5
Three-year-old / four-year-old home learning
Acacia Home Learning - Reading and Context - Week 5.pdf
Acacia Home Learning - Maths and Literacy - Week 5.pdf
Acacia Home Learning - Phonics - Week 5.pdf
Acacia Home Learning - Expressive Arts and Design - Week 5.pdf
Two-year-old home learning
Acacia Home Learning - 2 year olds.pdf
Summer 2
Week 6 and 7
Three-year-old / four-year-old home learning
Acacia Home Learning - Reading and Context-My Granny Went to Market.pdf
Acacia Home Learning - Maths and Literacy -My Granny Went to Market.pdf
Acacia Home Learning - Phonics - My Granny Went to Market.pdf
Acacia Home Learning - Expressive Arts and Design -My Granny Went to Market.pdf
Week 8
Three-year-old / four-year-old home learning
Acacia Home Learning - Context - Lucy and Tom at the Seaside.pdf
Acacia Home Learning - Literacy - Lucy and Tom at the Seaside.pdf
Acacia Home Learning - Numeracy - Lucy and Tom at the Seaside.pdf
Acacia Home Learning - Phonics - Lucy and Tom at the Seaside.pdf
Acacia Home Learning - Understanding The World - Lucy and Tom at the Seaside.pdf
Acacia Home Learning - Expressive Arts and Design - Lucy and Tom at the Seaside.pdf
Home learning is now on Google Classroom but if you are struggling to access it, please download home learning below.
Week 10
Acacia Home Learning - Literacy - Week 10.pdf
Acacia Home Learning - Phonics - Week 10.pdf
Acacia Home Learning - Numeracy - Week 10.pdf
Acacia Home Learning - Understanding The World - Week 10.pdf
Week 11
Acacia Home Learning - Literacy - Week 11.pdf
Acacia Home Learning - Numeracy Week 11.pdf
Acacia Home Learning - Expressive Arts and Design - Week 11.pdf
Acacia Home Learning - Phonics - Week 11.pdf