Everyone is welcome at Acacia

We recognise the importance of helping all children achieve their full potential; emotionally, socially, physically and academically. We ensure they are fully included in all nursery curriculum activities, seeking external support and facilities when needed to ensure that we are meeting their very individual needs and are providing them with an environment in which everyone they can flourish.

By providing a creative contextual opportunities for children to develop, we consolidate and deepen their knowledge, understanding and skills. Purposefully planned activities and experiential learning are the key to learning, laying the foundations for the Early Years Foundation Stage Curriculum.

Our SEND Provision

We have an experienced team of staff who are extremely skilled at worked with children with additional needs. We have an enhanced ratio for children that need support to access the curriculum and we offer therapy and interventions at regular intervals throughout the day to ensure all children achieve.

We have a well-resourced nursery and separate room that is often used a quiet, safe and calming area where children can have more focused time.

Some of the interventions and therapies we off are:

  • Visual timetables
  • PECS - picture exchange communication for children who struggled to communicate verbally.
  • Intensive interaction
  • Makaton
  • Speech and language therapy
  • Attention autism - a session to build focus and concentration
  • Social skills groups
  • Sensory experiences
  • ICT resources


We have a SENCO at Acacia who is available to talk to if you have any worries about your child's development. She can also help you access outside agencies to ensure your child receives the best support. She will also advise and help apply for EHCPs and any additional support. 

Harriet Rose (Nursery Lead) is the designated SENCO at Acacia Nursery.

If you have any SENCO queries please email 

Acacia Nursery offer 

Waltham Forest Local Offer

School Offer

What are special educational needs?

Children learn at different speeds and in different ways. Teachers take this into account when they organise children’s lessons. But some children still find it much harder to learn than others of the same age and may need extra help. This may be because they have difficulties with:


• Reading, writing, number work or understanding information

• Expressing themselves or understanding what is being said to them

• Organising themselves

• Understanding and following rules and routines

• Making friends or relating to adults

• A medical condition

• A sensory need such as a difficulty with seeing or hearing


These children are said to have special educational needs. (This does not include children who have trouble keeping up because their first language is not English.)


The Department for Education publishes a code of practice on SEND, which is a guide for schools and councils on how to help children and young people with SEND.


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