Nursery News

Trip to the Young V&A Museum

Shrove Tuesday

The children enjoyed making pancakes on the campfire with their parents.

Lunar New Year

Parents joined us for our Lunar New Year Celebration. The children learned about different cultural celebrations and enjoyed making Chinese noodles on the campfire. We tasted new food and made a dragon for our dragon dance!

Tortoise Care

We love caring for the nursery tortoises!

Christmas Fayre

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Bread Making

We have been learning about the role people play in society and have looked at farmers and farms and what they provide us with. We enjoyed making bread and talking about where flour comes from.

Diwali at Acacia

It was lovely to welcome so many parents into the nursery to celebrate Diwali. The children made lanterns, Rangoli patterns and Chai tea on the campfire.

Campfire Breakfast

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Hackney City Farm Trip

The children visited Hackney City Farm and saw goats, pigs, donkeys, ducks and chickens. We discussed the habitats and how they are different from where we live.

Young V&A Trip

The children visited the Young V&A and explored their creativity, design skills and role play.

Making Baked Beans on Toast by the Campfire

Jack and the Beanstalk was our book of the week so we decided to make our own baked beans on the campfire!

Chinese New Year Celebrations

Christmas Evening

Thank you to all the parents for coming to our lovely festive evening!

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